Position: Assistant professor
Centre for Applied Cybernetics, and Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Email: Goran.Simeunovic[at]fs.cvut.cz
- Address: Technicka Street 4, 166 07, Prague 6, Czech Republic
- Telephone: +420 224 352 877
- CFD modeling
- Control Theory and Applications
- Analysis and control of Time delay systems
- Indoor-climate analysis and control
- Heat transfer
- Automatic control (Bc course)
- Computer use fundamentals (Bc course)
PhD Students
- Ivana Oswaldova (2009 – ), Modelling of the microclimate in historical interiors (CfC project)
Event organisation
- 9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, June 7-9, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, NOC member
- 22th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, July 7-11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, Track Co-Chair.
- Centre for Applied Cybernetics 3 (2012-2019), Competence Centre supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, WP11 leader
- Climate for Culture (EU-FP7, 2009 – 2014),
- Spectral methods for vibration suppression and control design of mechanical systems with feedback delays (2012-2014), Supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
- Smart Technologies for Stress Free Air Travel ( EU-FP6 project, 2006 – 2009)
- Optimization of Industrial Furnaces (2009-2012), project of PIKE Automation, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic (projects TIP)
- International Journals
# Zítek, P. – Vyhlídal, T. – Simeunovič, G. – Nováková, L. – Čížek, J.: Novel personalized and humidified air supply for airliner passengers. Building and Environment. 2010, vol. 45, no. 11, p. 2345-2353. ISSN 0360-1323.
- International Conferences (Selection)
* Simeunovic, G., T. Vyhlidal, P. Zitek, I. Oswaldova. Numerical Modeling of the Moisture Transfer Through Wooden Desk by Linking Ansys and Matlab Software. IMECE 2013, San Diego (USA), 2013.
* Skopec, P, Knobloch, J., Vyhlidal, T. Simeunović, G., Švantner, M. et al.: Comprehensive control of a reheating furnace. In AISTech 2012 – Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings. Warrendale, PA: Association for Iron & Steel Technology, 2012, p. 2053-2063. ISSN 1551-6997.ISBN 978-1-935117-24-7.
* Simeunovic, G., P. Zitek, T. Vyhlidal, D. LJ. Debeljkovic, „Separate Parameters Identification of the Time Delay Model of the Heat Transfer Process“, IMECE 2011, Denver (USA), November 11-17, 2011.
* Zitek, P., Vyhlidal, T., Sladek, O., Sladek, A., Simeunovic, G.: Equal-sorption microclimate control applied to the Holy Cross Chapel at Karlštejn castle. In Proceedings from the International Conference on Climatization of historic buildings, state of the art. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2011, p. 57-65. ISBN 978-3-8167-8637-5.
* Simeunović, G., P. Zítek, J. Chysky, M. Miletić, (2010). Time – Delay Models Parameters Identification of Heat Transfer Systems Using the Hybrid Algorithm. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, May 17-21, Xi´an, China.
* Zitek P., G. V. Simeunovic, T. Vyhlidal, “The Personalized Air Distribution System for a Seated Passenger in Aircraft Cabin”, ROOMVENT 2009, Busan, South Korea, 2009.