Position: Double degree doctoral program at CTU in Prague, Czechia and KU Leuven, Belgium
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia
Computer Science Department, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Email: dan.pilbauer@fs.cvut.com
- Address: Technicka Street 4, 166 07, Prague 6, Czech Republic
- Spectral theory of time delay systems
- Active vibration control
- H-infinity optimization
- Multi-objective optimization
- Eigenvalue optimization
- Measurement in engineering
- Automatic control
- [P.1] Pilbauer D., Vyhlídal T. and Olgac N., Delayed Resonator with Distributed Delay in Acceleration Feedback ‐ Design and Experimental Verification, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 2120-2131, Aug. 2016.
- [P.2] Pilbauer, D., Vyhlídal, T. and Michiels, W., 2015. Spectral design of output feedback controllers for systems pre‐compensated by input shapers. IFAC‐PapersOnLine, 48(12), pp.117‐122.
- [P.3] Pilbauer D., Bušek J., Kučera V. and Vyhlídal T.,Laboratory Set‐up Design for Testing Vibration Suppression Algorithms with Time Delays, Transactions of the VŠB Technical University of Ostrava, Mechanical Series, 2014
- [P.4] Kučera V., Pilbauer D., Vyhlídal T. and Olgac N.,Extended delayed resonators ‐ implementation aspects and experimental verification, IEEE/ISME transactions on Mechatronics
- [P.5] Pilbauer D., Michiels W. and Vyhlídal T., Multi‐criteria optimisation design of shapers with piece‐wise equally distributed time‐delay, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Time‐Delay Systems.
- [C.1] Laureate award XXXVIIIth ASR 2014 Seminary „Instruments and Control“, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Laboratory Set-up Design for Testing Vibration Suppresion Algorithms with Time Delays
- [C.2] 34th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2015, Center Parcs “De Vossemeren”, Lommel, Belgium, Inverse Shapers in Feedback Loop in Combination With State Feedback
- [C.3] 12th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, June 28‐30, 2015, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Spectral design of output feedback controllers for systems pre-compensated by input shapers
- [C.4] 13th Workshop on Time Delay Systems, June 22‐24, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, Multi‐criteria optimization design of shapers with piece‐wise equally distributed time‐delay